Sunday, January 30, 2011

Melancholy Inspiration

All of us draw our inspiration from somewhere, mine happens to be from a more tormented part of myself. That doesn't mean that 99% of the time I'm not a completely happy-go-lucky person, but that's a part of me I'm willing to share all the time, this is something I keep to myself, I guess except for the public, internet blog, lol. I'm sure there's some psychological explanation as to why some of us feel the need to express our artistic self though dramatic experiences, but whatever, it is what it is. Some people call it bipolar, manic-depressive, crazy, etc., I don't chose to label myself through any of those labels, but I do feel most connected with my inner self when I'm feeling sad or mad. For some reason when everything is going right in my life, I don't want to write poems about it, I just live it. Yet somehow the darkness and sadness in my life finds a way of making an artistic expression in me, whether through music or poetry, I find a way to make it beautiful. Some of our greatest artists, composers, musicians, actors, authors and leaders have been what most would consider "tormented." I don't look at it quite that way. I think that to live you have to embrace it all, you have to experience everything. Those of us that choose the simple, quiet life, get just that. Maybe you don't have the dips and lows, but you also don't have the peaks and highs. Just like an algebraic formula, there is a zero and on each side either a positive or negative integer. Each direction is equally close to zero. To remain on one side of zero is unbalanced. I can't explain what draws me to share and express myself when I'm feeling less than bliss, but I know that I grow from it and love it just the same. Anyways, I just wanted to offer an introspective answer to a question you all may or may not be asking yourself as you make your way through my blog. I will make a greater effort to share the more postive side of my life which is definitely the majority, but then again, not as exciting for the readers. Afterall, a tragedies make much better stories than fairy tales, but I don't see why I can't share both ;)

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